Ancient double-entry bookkeeping : Lucas Pacioli's Treatise, A.D. 1494, the earliest known writer on bookkeeping : reproduced and translated with reproductions, notes and abstracts from Manzoni, Pietra, Mainardi, Ympyn, Stevin and Dafforne / [edited by John B. Geijsbeek] |
Denver : J.B. Geijsbeek, 1914. |
Apparecchio per mostrare il paradosso idrostatico : fotografia |
Ottobre 2003. |
Apparecchio per mostrare il paradosso idrostatico : fotografia |
1989. |
Apparecchio per mostrare il paradosso idrostatico |
Apparatus for showing the hydrostatic paradox eng |
[S.l. : s.n.], seconda metà sec. XVIII. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
The art of war / edited by W.H. Schukking |
1964. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 4 |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Astronomy / edited by Ernst Crone ; Navigation / edited by A. Pannekoek |
1961. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 3 |
Baliani, Giovanni Battista, 1582-1666, mittente |
Baliani Giovanni Battista a Confalonieri Giovanni Luigi, 7 gennaio 1639 |
In: Documenti galileiani in biblioteche e archivi italiani e stranieri |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
De beghinselen der weeghconst [Microform] / beschreven duer Simon Stevin |
Leyden : Inde druckerye van Christoffel Plantijn, by Françoys van Raphelinghen, 1586. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
De beghinselen des waterwichts [Microform] / beschreven duer Simon Stevin |
Leyden : Inde druckerye van Christoffel Plantijn, by Françoyn van Raphelinghen, 1586. |
Wright, Edward, ca. 1558-1615 |
Certain errors in navigation / detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions. |
London : printed by Joseph Moxon and sold at his shop ..., 1657. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
De Huysbou : a reconstruction of an unfinished treatise on architecture, town planning and civil engineering by Simon Stevin / [edited by] Charles van den Heuvel ; [translated by D. Gardner et al.]. |
Amsterdam : Koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen, 2005. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
La Disme : aritmética decimal / Simón Stevin de Brujas ; edición, traducción, estudio preliminar y notas de Vicente Meavilla y Antonio M. Oller ; presentacíon de Paz Jiménez Seral |
Zaragoza : Prensas universitarias de Zaragoza, 2014. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Engineering / edited by R.J. Forbes ; Music / edited by A.D: Fokker ; Civic life / edited by A. Romein-Verschoor |
1966. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 5 |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
General introduction ; Mechanics / edited by E.J. Dijksterhuis. |
1955. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 1 |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
The haven-finding art, or, The way to find any haven or place at sea by the latitude and variation [Microform] / lately published in the Dutch, French and Latine tongues, by commandement of the Right Honourable Count Mauritz of Nassau ... Lord High Admiral of the vnited prouinces of the Low countries ... ; and now translated into English, for the common benefite of the seamen of England |
London : Imprinted by G.B.R.N. and R.B., 1599. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Mathematics / edited by D.J. Struik |
1958. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 2.a |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Mathematics / edited by D.J. Struik |
1958. |
In: Principal works of Simon Stevin. Stevin, Simon 1548-1620. 2.b |
Montanari, Geminiano, 1633-1687, mittente |
Montanari Geminiano a [non identificato], 26 agosto 1668 |
In: Gal. 284 doc. 6, c. 14r-19v |
Montanari, Geminiano, 1633-1687, mittente |
Montanari Geminiano a Medici Leopoldo (de'), 26 agosto 1668 |
In: Gal. 314 doc. 166, c. 530r-548v |
Oddi, Muzio, 1569-1631, mittente |
Oddi Muzio a Giordani Camillo, 17 settembre 1631 |
In: Documenti galileiani in biblioteche e archivi italiani e stranieri |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Les oeuvres mathematiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges [Microform] : ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques, esquelles s'est exercé le tres-haut & tres-illustre prince [Maurice] de [Nassau] ... / le tout reveu, corrigé, & augmenté, par Albert Girard |
Leyde : B.& A. Elsevier, 1634. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
Les oeuvres mathématiques de Simon Stevin / augmentées par Albert Girard |
Leyde : B. & A. Elsevier, 1634. |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
The principal works of Simon Stevin / edited by Ernst Crone, E.J. Dijksterhuis, R.J. Forbes, M.G.J. Minnaert, A. Pannekoek |
Amsterdam : C.V. Swets & Zeitlinger, 1955-1966. |
Rasch, Rudolf |
Simon Stevin and the calculation of equal temperament / Rudolf Rasch |
In: Music and mathematics in late medieval and early modern Europe. p. 253-320 |
Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620 |
La statique / Simon Stevin |
Paris : ACL, 1987. |