Helmont, Joan Baptista van, 1579-1644 |
J.B. van Helmont De Tempore and biological time / [edited by] Walter Pagel |
In: Osiris Vol. 8 (1948), p. 346-417 |
Background to modern science : ten lectures at Cambridge arranged by the History of science committee, 1936 ... / edited by Joseph Needham and Walter Pagel |
New York : The Macmillan company, 1938. |
Le basi della scienza moderna / [a cura di] J. Needham, W. Pagel ; traduzione di Tommaso Jervis. |
Milano : Garzanti, stampa 1942. |
Bylebyl, Jerome J., 1943- |
The chequered career of Galen's doctrine on the pulmonary veins / by Jerome J. Bylebyl and Walter Pagel |
In: Medical history Vol. 15 (1971), p. 211-229 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
The circular motion of the blood and Giordano Bruno's philosophy of the circle / Walter Pagel |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 24 (1950), p. 398-399 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
The eightness of Adam and related gnostic ideas in the Paracelsian corpus / by Walter Pagel and Marianne Winder |
In: Ambix Vol. 16 (1969), p. 119-139 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
F.S. Bodenheimer (1897-1959) / Walter Pagel |
In: Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences Vol. 15 (1960), p. 96-97 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
From Paracelsus to Van Helmont : studies in Renaissance medicine and science / Walter Pagel ; edited by Marianne Winder |
London : Variorum reprints, 1986. |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Geschichte des runden Magengeschwürs : Beiträge zur historischen Pathologie und zur Geschichte der Diagnose I / von Walter pagel |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin Bd. 25 (1932), p. 330-348 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Giordano Bruno : the philosophy of circles and the circular movement of the blood / Walter Pagel |
In: Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences Vol. 6 (1951), p. 116-124 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Harvey and Glisson on irritability with a note on van Helmont / Walter Pagel |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 41 (1967), p. 497-514 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Harvey and the modern concept of disease / Walter Pagel and Marianne Winder |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 42 (1968), p. 496-509 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Harvey meets the Hippocrates of Prague (Johannes Marcus Marci of Kronland) / Walter Pagel, Pyrali Rattansi |
In: Medical history Vol. 8 (1964), p. 78-84 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Harvey's doctrine in Italy : Argoli (1644) and Bonaccorsi (1647) on the circulation of the blood / Walter Pagel and F.N.L. Poynter |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 34 (1960), p. 419-429 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Harvey's role in the history of medicine / Walter Pagel |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 24 (1950), p. 70-73 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Helmont, Leibniz, Stahl / von Walter Pagel |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin Bd. 24 (1931), p. 19-59 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Henry E. Sigerist (1891-1957) / Walter Pagel |
In: Medical history Vol. 1 (1957), p. 285-289 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
The higher elements and prime matter in Renaissance naturalism and in Paracelsus / by Walter Pagel and Marianne Winder |
In: Ambix Vol. 21 (1974), p. 93-127 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Humoral pathology : a lingering anachronism in the history of tuberculosis / Walter Pagel |
In: In memory of Max Neuberger. p. 299-308 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Le idee biologiche di Harvey : aspetti scelti e sfondo storico / Walter Pagel ; in appendice: William Harvey rivisitato ; [traduzione dall'inglese di Adriano Carugo] |
Milano : Feltrinelli, 1979. |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
J.B. van Helmont's reformation of the Galenic doctrine of digestion and Paracelsus / Walter Pagel |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 29 (1955), p. 563-568 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Joan Baptista van Helmont : reformer of science and medicine / Walter Pagel |
Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge university press, 1982. |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
John Baptist van Helmont De tempore and the history of the biological concept of time / by Walter Pagel |
In: Isis Vol. 33 (1942), p. 621-623 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Julius Pagel and the significance of medical history for medicine / Walter Pagel |
In: Bulletin of the history of medicine Vol. 25 (1951), p. 207-225 |
Pagel, Walter, 1898-1983 |
Jung's views on alchemy / by Walter Pagel |
In: Isis Vol. 39 (1948), p. 44-48 |