Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Archimedes and the science of physics / A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 12 (1967), p. 1-11 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Capital letters and small letters in mathematics / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 14 (1969), p. 47-48 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
A detail of Heron's Dioptra / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 13 (1969), p. 241-247 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Fragments from Archimedes in Heron's mechanics / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 8 (1963), p. 91-146 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Heron and Ptolemaios / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 1 (1950), p. 117-131 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Heron von Alexandria / von A. Drachmann |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Heron's windmill / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 7 (1961), p. 145-151 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
How Archimedes expected to move the Earth / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 5 (1958), p. 278-282 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Jean Anker (1892-1957) / A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 5 (1957), p. 166-169 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Ktesibios's waterclock and Heron's adjustable siphon / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 20 (1976), p. 1-10 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
Ktesibios, Philon and Heron : a study in ancient pneumatics / A.G. Drachmann |
Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1948. |
Lebenserinnungen von: Aage Gerhadt Drachmann, Wolfram Kock, Vilhelm Moller-Christensen, Walter Pagel, Karl Eduard Rothscuh, Wolfang Schneider und Wilhelm Treue |
1982. |
In: Wege zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. 2 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
The mechanical technology of Greek and Roman antiquity : a study of the literary sources / A.G. Drachmann |
Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1963. |
Heron Alexandrinus, sec. I. |
Les mécaniques, ou, L'élévateur des corps lourds / Héron d'Alexandria ; texte arabe de Qusta Ibn Luqa établi et traduit par B. Carra de Vaux ; introduction par D.R. Hill ; commentaire par A.G. Drachman[n] |
Paris : Les belles lettres, 1988. |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
A new interpretation of the Golden horns : a comment on professor Willy Hartner's book / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 15 (1970), p. 124-134 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
On the alleged second Ktesibios / A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 2 (1951), p. 1-10 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
On the named swords especially in the Icelandic sagas / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 13 (1968), p. 29-36 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
A physical experiment in Heron's Dioptra? / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 13 (1968), p. 220-224 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
The plane astrolabe and the anaphoric clock / by A.G. Drachmann |
In: Centaurus Vol. 3 (1954), p. 183-189 |
Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt, 1891-1980 |
[Recensione] / A.G. Drachmann |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 88-89 (1969), p. 325-328 | Symposium internazionale di storia, metodologia, logica e filosofia della scienza: Galileo nella storia e nella filosofia della scienza (Firenze-Pisa, 1964): corrispondenza con i convegnisti II: Corrispondenti D-G, 1964 |
In: IV Centenario della nascita di Galileo, 1964. 1963-1972 |