Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Acuity : a third type of perspective / Janis C. Bell |
In: Raccolta vinciana Fasc. 27 (1997), p. 105-153 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Acuity perspective in the Renaissance : an overview / Janis C. Bell |
In: Prospettiva: fondamenti teorici ed esperienze figurative dall'antichità al mondo moderno. p. 190-204 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Color perspective, c. 1492 / Janis C. Bell |
In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Vol. 5 (1992), p. 64-77 |
The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della pittura : with a scholarly edition of the editio princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation / [edited] by Claire Farago, Janis Bell, Carlo Vecce ; with a foreword by Mertin Kemp and an additional contributions by Juliana Barone ... [et al.]. |
Leiden : Brill, c2018. |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Filippo Gagliardi on Leonardo's perspective / Janis C. Bell |
In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Vol. 5 (1992), p. 117-119 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Giovanni Ambrogio Mazenta's Memorie : document or deception? / Janis Bell |
In: Decoding Leonardo's codices. p. 163-177 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Leonardo and Alhazen : the cloth on the mountain top / Janis C. Bell |
In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Vol. 6 (1993), p. 108-111 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Leonardo's aerial perspective : what's in a name? / Janis Bell |
In: Leonardo da Vinci e la lingua della pittura in Europa, sec. XIV-XVII. p. 273-288 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Leonardo's prospettiva delle ombre : another branch of non-linear prespective [i.e. perspective] / Janis Bell |
In: Leonardo da Vinci and optics. p. 79-111 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Sfumato, Linien und Natur / Janis Bell |
In: Leonardo da Vinci. p. 229-256 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
A treatise on mirrors attributed to Matteo Zaccolini / Janis Bell |
In: Visual representation in early modern earth sciences. p. 563-584 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
The treatise on painting as a guide to nature : light and color / Janis Bell |
In: Leonardo da Vinci. p. 9-34 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Zaccolini and the Trattato della pittura of Leonardo da Vinci / Janis C. Bell |
In: Re-reading Leonardo. p. 127-146 |
Bell, Janis Callen, 1950- |
Zaccolini's unpublished perspective treatise : why should we care? / Janis C. Bell |
In: Treatise on perspective. p. 79-104 |