Ryan, W.F. |
Alchemy, magic, poisons and the virtues of stones in the Old Russian Secretum secretorum / by W.F. Ryan |
In: Ambix Vol. 37 (1990), p. 46-54 |
Ryan, W.F. |
Charles B. Schmitt (1933-1986) : [in memoriam] / W.F. Ryan |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 37, no 118 (1987), p. 148-150 |
Making instruments count : essays on historical scientific instruments presented to Gerard L'Estrange Turner / edited by R.G.W. Anderson, J.A. Bennett, W.F. Ryan |
Aldershot : Variorum, 1993. |
Maimonides, 1135-1204 |
On coitus / Maimonides ; a new parallel Arabic-English edition and translation by Gerrit Bos ; with editions of medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos ; medieval Latin translations by Charles Burnett and a Slavonic translation by W.F. Ryan , Moshe Taube |
Leiden : Brill, c2019. |
Pseudo-Aristotle : the Secret of secrets : sources and influences / edited by W.F. Ryan and Charles B. Schmitt |
London : The Warburg institute, University of London, 1982. |
Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages : the theology and other texts / edited by Jill Kraye, W.F. Ryan and C.B. Schmitt |
London : The Warburg institute, 1986. |
Ryan, W.F. |
Science in medieval Russia : some reflections on a recent book / W.F. Ryan |
In: History of science Vol. 5 (1966), p. 52-61 |
Ryan, W.F. |
Scientific instruments in Russia from the Middle Ages to Peter the Great / W.F. Ryan |
In: Measuring of all maner of lands'. p. 367-384 |
Ryan, W.F. |
Some Russian contributions to the history of the microscope / W.F. Ryan |
Cenakal, V.L. |
Watchmakers and clockmakers in Russia 1400 to 1850 / Valentin L. Chenakal ; translated by W.F. Ryan |
[S.l.] : published by The Antiquarian horogical Society, 1972. |