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Alchemy as a language of mediation at the Habsburg court
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    'In this essay I argue that alchemy, a quintessential noble activity, was employed at the court of two Habsburg emperors as a discourse of mediation. Rudolf II (ruled 1576-1612)... Anno: 1994
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Alchemy as a language of mediation at the Habsburg court / Pamela H. Smith
In: Isis Vol. 85 (1994), p. 1-25
Alchemy, credit and the commerce of words and things
Johann Joachim Becher at the courts of the Holy Roman Empire, 1635-82 Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 1990
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Alchemy, credit and the commerce of words and things : Johann Joachim Becher at the courts of the Holy Roman Empire, 1635-82 / Smith, Pamela Helen
Ann Arbor : UMI, c1990.
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Art, science, and visual culture in early modern Europe / by Pamela H. Smith
In: Isis Vol. 97 (2006), p. 83-100
The body of the artisan
art and experience in the scientific revolution Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Indice: Acknowledgments. Introduction. Pt. 1. Flanders: 1. The artisanal world. Pt. 2. South German cities: 2. Artisanal epistemology 3. The body of the artisan 4. Artisanship,... Anno: 2004
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
The body of the artisan : art and experience in the scientific revolution / Pamela H. Smith
Chicago : The University of Chicago press, 2004.
The business of alchemy
science and culture in the Holy Roman Empire Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 1994
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
The business of alchemy : science and culture in the Holy Roman Empire / Pamela H. Smith
Princeton : Princeton university press, c1994.
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
The codification of vernacular theories of metallic generation in sixteenth-century European mining and metalworking / Pamela H. Smith
In: Structures of practical knowledge. p. 371-392
Collecting nature and art
artisans and knowledge in the Kunstkammer Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 2008
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Collecting nature and art : artisans and knowledge in the Kunstkammer / Pamela H. Smith
In: Engaging with nature. p. 115-135
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Commerce and the representation of nature in art and science : introduction / Pamel H. Smith and Paula Findlen
In: Merchants and marvels. p. 1-25
Extremely apt at doing things by all sorts of tools
Karel Davids, The rise and decline of Dutch technological leadership Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 2010
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Extremely apt at doing things by all sorts of tools : Karel Davids, The rise and decline of Dutch technological leadership / Pamela H. Smith
In: Technology and culture Vol. 51 (2010), p. 470-473
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Foreword / Pamela H. Smith
In: Varied role of the amateur in early modern Europe. p. 485-488
From lived experience to the written word
reconstructing practical knowledge in the early modern world Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Indice: Introduction: Lived experience and the written word. Pt. 1. Vernacular theorizing in craft: 1. Is handwork knowledge? 2. The metalworker's philosophy 3. Thinking with... Anno: 2022
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
From lived experience to the written word : reconstructing practical knowledge in the early modern world / Pamela H. Smith
Chicago : The University of Chicago press, 2022.
Glass of the alchemists
lead crystal-gold ruby 1650-1750 Kerssenbrock Krosigk, Dedo von.    Whitehouse, David    Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    ... Indice: Foreword / David Whitehouse. Acknowledgments. Introduction / Dedo von Kerssenbrock Krosigk. 1. Alchemy as the imitator of nature / Pamela H. Smith 2. What alchemists... Anno: 2008
Glass of the alchemists : lead crystal-gold ruby 1650-1750 / [edited by] Dedo von Kerssenbrock Krosigk ; with contributions by Colin Brain ... [et al.].
Corning : Corning Museum of Glass, c2008.
Historians in the laboratory
reconstruction of Renaissance art and technology in the Making and knowing project Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Making and knowing project (New York)    Anno: 2016
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Historians in the laboratory : reconstruction of Renaissance art and technology in the Making and knowing project / Pamela H. Smith and the Making and knowing project
In: Art and technology in early modern Europe. p. 21-43
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
In a sixteenth-century goldsmith's workshop / Pamela H. Smith
In: Mindful hand. p. 33-57
Cook, Harold J.
Introduction : making and knowing / Harold J. Cook, Pamela H. Smith, and Amy R.W. Meyers.
In: Ways of making and knowing. p. 1-16
Making as knowing
craft as natural philosophy Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 2017
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Making as knowing : craft as natural philosophy / Pamela H. Smith
In: Ways of making and knowing. p. 17-47
Making knowledge in early modern Europe
practices, objects and texts, 1400-1800 Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Schmidt, Benjamin    Anno: 2007
Making knowledge in early modern Europe : practices, objects and texts, 1400-1800 / edited by Pamela H. Smith and Benjamin Schmidt
Chicago : The University of Chicago press, 2007.
Making marvels
science and splendor at the courts of Europe Koeppe, Wolfram    Syndram, Dirk    Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    ... Indice: Director's foreword. Acknowledgments. Lenders to the exhibition. Contributors. Pt. 1. Setting the standard: forging a cultura of magnificence: 1. Marvels, wonders... Anno: 2019
Making marvels : science and splendor at the courts of Europe / edited by Wolfram Koeppe
New York : The Metropolitan museum of art, c2019.
Hendriksen, Marieke M.A.
Material and performative history of science / Marieke M.A. Hendriksen
In: Debating contemporary approaches to the history of science. p. 213-238
The matter of art
materials, practices, cultural logics, c.1250-1750 Anderson, Christy    Dunlop, Anne    Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 2014
The matter of art : materials, practices, cultural logics, c.1250-1750 / edited by Christy Anderson, Anne Dunlop and Pamela H. Smith
Manchester : Manchester university press, 2014.
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
The matter of ideas in the working of metals in early modern Europe / Pamela H. Smith
In: Matter of art.
Merchants and marvels
commerce, science and art in early modern Europe Findlen, Paula    Smith, Pamela H., 1957-    Anno: 2002
Merchants and marvels : commerce, science and art in early modern Europe / edited by Pamela H. Smith & Paula Findlen
New York : Routledge, 2002.
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Owen Hannaway (8 october 1939-21 january 2006) / Pamela H. Smith
In: Isis Vol. 98 (2007), p. 143-148
Smith, Pamela H., 1957-
Prince Cesi, Galileo and natural history / Pamela H. Smith
In: Print quarterly Vol. 21, no. 3 (2004), p. 461-463
Renaissance invention
Stradanus's Nova reperta Markey, Lia.    Bowen, Karen L.    Imhof, Dirk    ... Indice: Foreword / Daniel Greene. Acknowledgments. Pt. 1. Essays: Introduction: Inventing the Nova Reperta / Lia Markey. 1. Philips Galle's Nova Reperta: a case study in print... Anno: 2020
Renaissance invention : Stradanus's Nova reperta / edited by Lia Markey
Evanston : Northwestern university press, c2020.