Chaos and complexity : scientific perpectives on divine action / Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, Arthur R. Peacocke (eds.) |
Vatican City : Vatican Observatory publications, 1995. |
Evolutionary and molecular biology : scientific perspectives on divine action / Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger and Francisco J. Ayala (eds.) |
Vatican city state : Vatican observatory publications, 1998. |
John Paul II on science and religion : reflections on the new view from Rome / edited by Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger and George V. Coyne |
[Vatican city state] : Vatican observatory pubblications, 1990. |
Physics, philosophy and theology : a common quest for understanding / edited by Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger and George V. Coyne |
Vatican City : Vatican observatory, 2000. |
Physics, philosophy and theology : a common quest for understanding / edited by Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger S.J. and George V. Coyne S.J. |
Vatican City : Vatican observatory, 1988. |
Russell, Robert John |
Whitehead, Einstein and the Newtonian legacy / Robert John Russell |
In: Newton and the new direction in science. p. 175-192 |