Schindewolf, Otto Heinrich, 1896-1971 |
Basic questions in paleontology : geologic time, organic evolution and biological systematics / Otto H. Schindewolf ; translated by Judith Schaefer ; edited and with an afterword by Wolf-Ernst Reif ; with a foreword by Stephen Jay Gould |
Chicago : the University of Chicago press, 1993. |
Reif, Wolf-Ernst |
Discussion of evolution in the German-speaking world in the 1959 Darwin centenary / Wolf-Ernst Reif, Uwe Hossfeld and Rainer R. Schoch |
In: Literary and cultural reception of Charles Darwin in Europe. p. 239-253 |
Reif, Wolf-Ernst |
[Recensione] / Wolf-Ernst Reif |
In: History and philosophy of the life sciences Vol. 23, n. 3-4 (2001), p. 535-538 |
Reif, Wolf-Ernst |
[Recensione] / Wolf-Ernst Reif |
In: History and philosophy of the life sciences Vol. 8, n. 1 (1986), p. 167-169 |
Reif, Wolf-Ernst |
The search for a macroevolutionary theory in German paleontology / Wolf-Ernst Reif |
In: Journal of the history of biology Vol. 19 (1986), p. 79-130 |
Reif, Wolf-Ernst |
Victor Bauer (1881-1927) : Sinnesphysiologie und Neo-Lamarckismus / Wolf-Ernst Reif |
In: History and philosophy of the life sciences Vol. 9, n. 1 (1987), p. 95-107 |