The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della pittura : with a scholarly edition of the editio princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation / [edited] by Claire Farago, Janis Bell, Carlo Vecce ; with a foreword by Mertin Kemp and an additional contributions by Juliana Barone ... [et al.]. |
Leiden : Brill, c2018. |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Fractal geometry in the organization of Madrid MS.II / Claire J. Farago |
In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Vol. 6 (1993), p. 47-55 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
The historical reception of Leonardo da Vinci's abridged Treatise on painting / Claire Farago |
In: Re-reading Leonardo. p. 1-36 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
How Leonardo da Vinci's editors organized his Treatise on painting and how Leonardo would have done it differently / Claire Farago |
In: Treatise on perspective. p. 21-52 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Leonardo da Vinci's Paragone : a critical interpretation with a new edition of the text in the Codex Urbinas / by Claire J. Farago |
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1992. |
Leonardo da Vinci, master draftsman / edited by Carmen C. Bambach ; with contributions by Carmen C. Bambach ... [et al.] ; with the assistance of Rachel Stern and Alison Manges ; [translation from Italian by Lawrence Jenkens and Stephen Sartarelli, from French by Jane Marie Todd] |
New York : The Metropolitan museum of art, c2003. |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Non finito : Leonardo's Saint Anne and its written legacy / Claire Farago |
In: Decoding Leonardo's codices. p. 111-130 |
Re-reading Leonardo : the Treatise on painting across Europe, 1550-1900 / edited and introduced by Claire Farago |
Farnham : Ashgate, c2009. |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
[Recensione] / Claire Farago |
In: Annals of science Vol. 60 ( 2003), p. 99-103 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
A short note on artisanal epistemology in Leonardo's Treatise on painting / Claire Farago |
In: Illuminating Leonardo. p. 51-68 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Who abridged Leonardo da Vinci's Treatise on painting? / Claire Farago |
In: Re-reading Leonardo. p. 77-106 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Wind and weather in Leonardo da Vinci's abriged treatise on painting / Claire Farago |
In: Wind und Wetter. p. 25-52 |
Farago, Claire J., 1948- |
Die ästhetik der Bewegung in Leonardos Kunsttheorie / Claire Farago |
In: Leonardo da Vinci. p. 137-168 |