Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
An answer to the late obiections made by mr. Erasmus Warren against the theory of the Earth = Responsio ad objectiones nuperas Erasmi Warreni adversus theoriam Telluris sacram |
Londini : imp. Gualteri Kettilby, 1690. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Archaeologiae philosophicae, sive Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus libri duo. |
Londini : impensis Gualteri Kettilby, 1692. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Archaeologicae philosophicae, sive, Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus [Microform] : libri duo. |
Londini : Impensis G. Kettilby, 1692 ([S.l.] : Typis R.N.) |
Astronomy / edited by Rob Iliffe |
2004. |
In: Literature and science, 1660-1834. 6 |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
De fide & officiis Christianorum [Microform] : liber posthumus / authore Thoma Burnetio, S.T.P. |
Londini : Typis S. Aris : : Impensis J. Hooke ..., 1728. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
De statu mortuorum et resurgentium tractatus [Microform] = Of the state of the dead, and of those that are to rise / translated from the Latin original of Dr. Burnet ... ; with an answer to all the heresies therein by Matthias Earbery |
London : Printed for E. Curll, J. Pemberton, 1728. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus, or, An inquiry into the doctrine of the philosophers of all nations, concerning the original of the world [Microform] / by Thomas Burnet ; made English from the Latin original by Mr. Mead and Mr. Foxton |
London : Printed for E. Curll, 1736. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
The faith and duties of Christians [Microform] : a treatise in eight chapters ... / written originally in Latin by the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Burnet ... ; translated into English by Mr. Dennis. |
London : Printed for J. Hooke, [1728?] |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716, mittente |
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm (von) a Magliabechi Antonio, 12 agosto 1704 |
In: Gal. 287 doc. 34, c. 68r-69v |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716, mittente |
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm (von) a Magliabechi Antonio, 14-24 giugno 1695 |
In: Gal. 287 doc. 22, c. 43r-44v |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716, mittente |
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm (von) a Magliabechi Antonio, 13 dicembre 1695 |
In: Gal. 287 doc. 24, c. 47r-48v |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
[Lettere di Burnet a Bernoulli] [Manoscritto] : [1708-1714] |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
The sacred theory of the Earth / by Thomas Burnet ; with an introduction by Basil Willey |
London : Centaur press, 1965. |
Olson, Richard, 1940- |
Science and religion, 1450-1900 : from Copernicus to Darwin / Richard G. Olson |
Westport : Greenwood press, 2004. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Telluris theoria sacra [Microform] : orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens : libri duo priores de diluvio & paradiso |
Londini : Typis R. N., Impensis Gualt. Kettilby, 1681. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Telluris theoria sacra orbis nostri originem et mutationes generales. |
Londini : [s.n.], 1681. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Th. Burnetii Telluris theoria sacra, originem & mutationes generales orbis nostri quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens : accedunt Archaeologiae philosophicae, sive Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. |
Amstelaedami : apud Joannem Wolters, 1699. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Theoria sacra telluris, d. i. Heiliger Entwurff oder Biblische Betrachtung des Erdreichs [Microform] : begreiffende, nebens dem Ursprung, die allgemeine Enderungen, welche unser Erd-Kreis einseits allschon aussgestanden, und anderseits noch ausszustehen hat / Anfangs von Hn. T. Burnet in Latein zu Londen herausgegeben, und in Franckfurt am Mayn nachgedruckt ; anjetzo aber ins Hochteutsche übersetzt ... durch M. Joh. Jacob Zimmermann |
Franckfurt und Leipzig : Zu finden bey Michael Brodhagen, 1693. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
The theory of the earth [Microform] : containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things. |
London : Printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, 1684-1690. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Thomae Burnet ... Thesaurus medicinae practicae ex praestantissimorum medicorum observationibus, consultationibus, consilijs & epistolis summa diligentia collectus ordineque alphabetico dispositus et à Daniele Puerario ... auctus observationibus selectissimis. |
Venetiis : typis Gasparis Storti, 1694. |
Burnet, Thomas, ca. 1635-1715 |
Thomae Burnet ... Thesaurus medicinae practicae ex praestantissimorum medicorum observationibus, consultationibus, consilijs & epistolis summa diligentia collectus ordineque alphabetico dispositus et à Daniele Puerario ... auctus observationibus selectissimis. |
Venetiis : typis Gasparis Storti, 1681. |