Dunn, Richard |
An archive of failed inventions : the Museum of the Admiralty compass observatory / Richard Dunn |
In: Failed historical scientific instruments. p. 6-20 |
Dunn, Richard |
British globes up to 1850 : a provisional inventory / Richard Dunn and Helen Wallis. |
Dunn, Richard |
The Bureau and the Board : change and collaboration in the final decades of the British Board of longitude / Richard Dunn et Rebekah Higgitt |
In: Pour une histoire du Bureau des longitudes, 1795-1932. p. 195-219 |
Dunn, Richard |
Finding longitude / Richard Dunn & Rebekah Higgitt |
London : Collins, 2014. |
Heaven and Earth united : instruments in astrological contexts / edited by Richard Dunn, Silke Ackermann, Giorgio Strano |
Leiden : Brill, c2018. |
Dunn, Richard |
Instruments and the astrologer's image / Richard Dunn |
In: Heaven and Earth united. p. 230-252 |
Higgitt, Rebekah |
Introduction / Rebekah Higgitt and Richard Dunn |
In: Navigational enterprises in Europe and its empires, 1730-1850. p. 1-10 |
Dunn, Richard |
John Dee and astrology in Elizabethan England / Richard Dunn |
In: John Dee. p. 85-94 |
Dunn, Richard |
Made to measure : some thoughts on the design of scientific instruments / Richard Dunn |
In: Whipple museum of the history of science. p. 121-137 |
Dunn, Richard |
Material culture in the history of science : case studies from the National maritime museum / Richard Dunn |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 42 (2009), p. 31-33 |
Dunn, Richard |
More artistic than scientific : exhibiting instruments as decorative arts in the Victoria and Albert museum / Richard Dunn |
In: Scientific instruments on display. p. 61-76 |
Navigational enterprises in Europe and its empires, 1730-1850 / edited by Richard Dunn and Rebekah Higgit |
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. |
Dunn, Richard |
On being sufficiently exact [Risorsa elettronica] : assessing navigational instruments in the eighteenth century / Richard Dunn |
In: Promises of precision. p. 208-234 |
Dunn, Richard |
[Recensione] / Richard Dunn |
In: Nuncius Vol. 33 (2018), p. 169-170 |
Dunn, Richard |
Scoping longitude : optical designs for navigation at sea / Richard Dunn |
In: From Earth-bound to satellite. p. 141-154 |
Mörzer Bruyns, Willem F.J. |
Sextants at Greenwich : a catalogue of the mariner's quadrants, mariner's astrolabes, cross-staffs, backstaffs, octants, sextants, quintants, reflecting circles and artificial horizons in the National maritime Museum, Greenwich / W.F-J. Mörzer Bruyns ; with a contribution by Richard Dunn |
Oxford : Oxford university press, c2009. |
Dunn, Richard |
Sperimentare con l'acqua : lo sviluppo della navigazione e dei suoi strumenti / di Richard Dunn |
In: Arcipelago inquieto. p. 11-30 |
National maritime museum (Greenwich) |
Sundials at Greenwich : a catalogue of the sundials, nocturnals and horary quadrants in the National maritime museum, Greenwich / Hester Higton ; with contributions from Silke Ackermann ... [et al.]. |
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2002. |
Dunn, Richard |
Taming the telescope : notes on the instrumental iconography of Georgian astronomy / Richard Dunn |
In: Weiter sehen. p. 191-201 |
Dunn, Richard |
Touched, cleaned and repaired : equipping and maintaining trading voyages to the Baltic / Richard Dunn |
In: Proceedings of the XXV Scientific instrument symposium. Scientific instrument symposium (5 : 2006 : KKrakow) p. 245-250 |
Dunn, Richard |
The true place of astrology among the mathematical arts of late Tudor England / Richard Dunn |
In: Annals of science Vol. 51 (1994), p. 151-163 |