Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Aetna and the moon : explaining nature in ancient Greece and Rome / Liba Taub |
Corvallis : Oregon state university press, c2008. |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Ancient meteorology / Liba Taub |
London : Routledge, 2003. |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Ancient meteorology : astronomy and weather prediction in the Roman period / Liba Taub |
In: Homo faber. p. 143-152 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Ancient science / Liba Taub |
In: Thornton and Tully's scientific books, libraries and collectors. p. 26-71 |
Ancient science / edited by Alexander Jones, Liba Taub |
2018. |
In: Cambridge history of science. 1 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Archiving scientific ideas in Greco-Roman antiquity / Liba Taub |
In: Science in the archives. p. 113-135 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Are orreries Newtonian? A consideration of the material, textual and pictorial evidence / Liba Taub |
In: Whipple museum of the history of science. p. 403-425 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Astronomy in its contexts / Liba Taub |
In: Cambridge companion to ancient Greek and Roman science. p. 208-228 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
At the sign of the laboratory of physical chemistry : preserving and presenting histories of chemistry at Cambridge / Liba Taub, Ruth Horry |
In: Spaces and collections in the history of science. p. 195-205 |
Authorial voices in Greco-Roman technical writing / Liba Taub, Aude Doody eds. |
Trier : WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. |
The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek and Roman science / edited by Liba Taub |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2020. |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Celebrating science in ancient Greece and Rome / Liba Taub |
In: Prizes and awards in science before Nobel. p. 246-257 |
Companion to science, technology and medicine in ancient Greece and Rome / edited by Georgia L. Irby |
Chichester : Wiley, 2016. |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Cosmology and meteorology / Liba Taub |
In: Cambridge companion to epicureanism. p. 105-124 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Destini della scienza greca : eredità e longevità degli strumenti scientifici / Liba Taub |
In: Greci. Vol. 3: I greci oltre la Grecia, p. 889-930 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Determing the equinox in Alexandria : what were Ptolemy's rings used for? / Liba Taub |
In: Scientific instruments and museums. International congress of the history of science (20 : 1997 : Liège) p. 21-27 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Eratosthenes sends greetings to King Ptolemy : reading the contents of a mathematical letter / Liba Taub |
In: Mathematics celestial and terrestrial. p. 285-302 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Evolutionary ideas and empirical methods : the analogy between language and species in works by Lyell and Schleicher / Liba Taub |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 26 (1993), p. 171-193 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Explaining a volcano naturally : Aetna and the choice of poetry / Liba Taub |
In: Authorial voices in Greco-Roman technical writing. p. 125-141 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Instruments of Alexandrian astronomy : the uses of the equinoctial rings / L. Taub |
In: Science and mathematics in ancient Greek culture. p. 133-149 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
On scientific instruments : introduction / Liba Taub |
In: On scientific instruments. p. 337-343 |
On scientific instruments / guest editor Liba Taub |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 40 (2009), p. 337-438 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
On the variety of genres of Greek mathematical writing : thinking about mathematical texts and modes of mathematical discourse / Liba Taub |
In: Writing science. p. 333-365 |
Perkins, Emma L. |
Perhaps irrelevant : the iconography of Tycho Brahe's small gilt brass quadrant / Emma L. Perkins, Liba Taub |
In: Iconography on scientific instruments. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2015), p. 9-36 |
Taub, Liba Chaia, 1954- |
Physiological analogies and metaphors in explanations of the Earth and the cosmos / Liba Taub |
In: Blood, sweat, and tears. p. 41-63 |