De biografie als genre in de wetenschapsgeschiedenis / Frank Huisman, Catrien Santing en Bert Theunissen (red.) |
In: Gewina (Rotterdam) Jaarg. 23, nr. 1 (2000), p. 5-85 |
Santing, Catrien G. |
De affectibus cordis et palpitatione : secrets of the heart in counter-reformation Italy / Catrien Santing |
In: Cultural approaches to the history of medicine. p. 11-35 |
Santing, Catrien G. |
Death and the city : the human corpse as an embodiment of public wellbeing in Counter-Reformation Rome / Catrien Santing |
In: Medicine and space. p. 197-223 |
Santing, Catrien G. |
For the life of a creature is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11 : some considerations on blood as the source of life in sixteenth-century religion and medicine and their interconnections / Catrien Santing |
In: Blood, sweat, and tears. p. 415-441 |
Santing, Catrien G. |
Medizin und Humanismus : die Einsichten des Nürnbergischen Stadtarztes Theodericus Ulsenius über Morbus Gallicus / von Catrien G. Santing |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 79 (1995), p. 138-149 |
Santing, Catrien G. |
Pieter van Foreest and the acquisition and travelling of medical knowledge in the sixteenth century / Catrien Santing |
In: Centres of medical excellence?. p. 149-169 |
Praktizijns en geleerden : de aanloop naar de moderne wetenschap / Karine van 't Land en Catrien Santing (red.) |
In: Gewina (Rotterdam) Jaarg. 29, nr. 1 (2006), p. 5-80 |