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Firenze : All'insegna del giglio, 1993. |
Craddock, Paul Terence |
Cast iron, fined iron, crucible steel : liquid iron in the ancient world / P.T. Craddock |
In: Mining and metal production. p. 231-257 |
Companion to science, technology and medicine in ancient Greece and Rome / edited by Georgia L. Irby |
Chichester : Wiley, 2016. |
Mining and metal production : through the ages / edited by Paul Craddock and Janet Lang |
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The Oxford handbook of engineering and technology in the Classical world / edited by John Peter Oleson |
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Craddock, Paul Terence |
Production of brass in antiquity by direct reduction / P.T. Craddock and K. Eckstein |
In: Mining and metal production. p. 216-230 |
Craddock, Paul Terence |
Traditional zinc production in modern China : survival and evolution / P.T. Craddock and Zhou Weirong |
In: Mining and metal production. p. 267-292 |