The Dutch Republic in the Eighteenth century : decline, enlightenment and revolution / edited by Margaret C. Jacob and Wijnand W. Mijnhardt |
Ithaca ; London : Cornell university press, 1992. |
Geneeskunde en gezondheidszorg in Nederland, 1940-1945 / M.J. van Lieburg, W.W. Mijnhardt (réd.) |
Amsterdam [ecc.] : Rodopi, 1992. |
Mijnhardt, Wijnand W. |
Tot heil van't menschdom : culturele genootschappen in Nederland, 1750-1815 / W. W. Mijnhardt |
Amsterdam : [s. n.], 1988. |
Mijnhardt, Wijnand W. |
The world we have lost : in praise of a comprehensive concept of science and scholarship / Wijnand W. Mijnhardt |
In: Teyler's foundation in Haarlem and its Book and art room of 1779. p. 69-86 |