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NON posseduto
300 years of gravitation / S.W. Hawking, W. Israel eds.
Cambridge ; London : Cambridge university press, 1987.
NON posseduto
A hombros de gigantes
las grandes obras de la física y la astronomía Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642    Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955    ... Indice: Pt. 1. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Pt. 2. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Pt. 3. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Pt. 4. Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Pt. 5. Albert... Anno: 2003
A hombros de gigantes : las grandes obras de la física y la astronomía / edición comentada de Stephen Hawking
Barcelona : Crítica, 2003.
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018
A brief history of time : from the big bang to black holes / Stephen Hawking ; intoduction by Carl Sagan ; illustrations by Ron Miller
Toronto : Bantam books, 1995.
The dreams that stuff is made of
the most astounding papers on quantum physics, and how they shook the scientific world Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Planck, Max, 1858-1947    Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955    ... Indice: Introduction / by Stephen Hawking. Pt. 1. 1. On the law of distribution of energy in the normal spectrum / by Max Planck 2. On a heuristic viewpoint concerning the... Anno: 2011
The dreams that stuff is made of : the most astounding papers on quantum physics, and how they shook the scientific world / edited, with an introduction, by Stephen Hawking
Philadelphia : Running press, c2011.
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018
Galileo and the birth of modern science / by Stephen Hawking
In: American heritage's invention & technology Vol. 24 (2009), p. 34-37
NON posseduto
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018
The grand design / Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
London : Bantam press, 2010.
NON posseduto
La grande storia del tempo
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Mlodinow, Leonard, 1954-    Indice: Prefazione. 1. Pensare l'universo 2. L'evoluzione della nostra immagine dell'universo 3. La natura di una teoria scientifica 4. L'universo di Newton 5. La relatività... Anno: 2006
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018
La grande storia del tempo / Stephen Hawking ; con Leonard Mlodinow
[Milano] : BUR, 2006.
NON posseduto
Na plecima divova
velika dela fizicara i astronoma Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Jovanovic, Ivan    Anno: 2011
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018
Na plecima divova : velika dela fizicara i astronoma / Stiven Hoking ; preveo Ivan Jovanovic
Beograd : Alnari, 2011.
NON posseduto
On the shoulders of giants
the great works of physics and astronomy Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642    Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955    ... Indice: Pt. 1. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543): 1. His life and work 2. On the revolution of heavenly spheres. Pt. 2. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): 1. His life and works 2.... Anno: 2002
On the shoulders of giants : the great works of physics and astronomy / edited, with commentary, by Stephen Hawking
Philadelphia : Running press, c2002.
NON posseduto
Sur les épaules des géants
les plus grands textes de physique et d'astronomie Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018    Luminet, Jean-Pierre, 1951-    Lachièze-Rey, Marc    Anno: 2003
Sur les épaules des géants : les plus grands textes de physique et d'astronomie / réunis et commentés par Stephen Hawking ; adaptation de Marc Lachièze-Rey ; préface de Jean-Pierre Luminet
Paris : Dunod, 2003.
Three hundred years of gravitation / edited by Stephen Hawking, Werner Israel
Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge university press, 1989.