Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
Chimica / di H.E. Roscoe ; traduzione di Angelo Pavesi |
Milano : U. Hoepli, 1877. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
Die Entstehung der Dalton'schen Atomtheorie in neuer Beleuchtung : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Chemie / zugleich mit Briefen und Dokumenten über Dalton's Leben und Arbeiten, zum ersten Male aus den im Besitze der Literary and philosophical society zu Manchester befindlichen Manuskripten veröffentlicht von Henry E. Roscoe und Arthur Harden ; in Deutsche übertragen von Georg W.A. Kahlbaum |
Leipzig : J.A. Barth, 1898. |
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 1811-1899 |
Gasometry : comprising the leading physical and chemical properties of gases / by Robert Bunsen ; translated by Henry E. Roscoe |
London : printed for Walton and Maberly, 1857. |
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 1811-1899 |
Gasometry, comprising the leading physical and chemical properties of gases [Microform] / by Robert Bunsen ; translated by Henry E. Roscoe |
London : Walton and Maberly, 1857. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
John Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry / by Henry E. Roscoe |
London : Cassell and company, 1895. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
The life & experiences of Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. [Microform] / written by himself |
London ; New York : Macmillan, 1906. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
On the measurement of the chemical action of light / Henry E. Roscoe |
[S.l. : s.n., 1856?] |
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 1824-1887 |
Researches of the solar spectrum and the spectra of the chemical elements / by G. Kirchhoff ; translated with the author's sanction from the transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1861 by Henry E. Roscoe |
Cambridge : Macmillan, 1862. |
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 1824-1887 |
Researches on the solar spectrum and the spectra of the chemical elements [Microform] / by G. Kirchhoff ; translated with the author's sanction from the Transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1861, by Henry E. Roscoe |
Cambridge [Eng.] ; London : Macmillan, 1862-1863. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
Spectrum analysis : six lectures delivered in 1868 before the Society of apothecaries of London / by Henry E. Roscoe |
London : Macmillan, 1873. |
Roscoe, Henri Enfield, 1833-1915 |
Spectrum analysis : six lectures delivered in 1868, before the Society of Apothecaries of London / by Henry E. Roscoe |
London : Macmillan, 1870. |