Boudia, Soraya |
Atommaschinen und Wissenschaftsmuseen : die Weltausstellung 1937 in Paris / Soraya Boudia und Philippe Molinié |
In: Atombilder. p. 110-117 |
Boudia, Soraya |
The Curie laboratory : radioactivity and metrology / Soraya Boudia |
In: Science, medicine and industry. p. 249-265 |
Boudia, Soraya |
Le donne nella ricerca scientifica in Francia : il caso della radioattività, 1898-1934 / Soraya Boudia |
In: Scienza a due voci. p. 247-262 |
Boudia, Soraya |
Global regulation : controlling and accepting radioactivity risks / Soraya Boudia |
In: Risk and risk society in historical perspective. p. 389-406 |
Turchetti, Simone |
Introduction [Risorsa elettronica] : have we ever been transnational? : Towards a history of science across and beyond borders / Simone Turchetti and Néstor Herran and Soraya Boudia |
In: Transnational history of science. p. 319-336 |
Boudia, Soraya |
Marie Curie et son laboratoire : sciences et industrie de la radioactivité en France / Soraya Boudia ; préface de Dominique Pestre |
Paris : Editions des archives contemporaines, c2001. |
Boudia, Soraya |
Risk and risk society in historical perspective : introduction / Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas. |
In: Risk and risk society in historical perspective. p. 317-331 |
Risk and risk society in historical perspective / guest editors Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas. |
In: History and technology Vol. 23, no. 4 (2007), p. 317-420 |
Science, medicine and industry : the Curie and Joliot-Curie laboratories / guest editors Soraya Boudia and Xavier Roqué |
In: History and technology Vol. 13, no. 4 (1997), p. 241-353 |
Boudia, Soraya |
Scientists and their cultural heritage [Risorsa elettronica] : knowledge, politics and ambivalent relationships / Soraya Boudia, Sébastien Soubiran |
In: Recent material heritage of the sciences. p. 643-651 |
Le siècle des technosciences depuis 1914 / M. Armatte ... [et al.] ; sous la direction de Christophe Bonneuil et Dominique Pestre ; traduction de l'anglais Clara Breteau et Cyril Le Roy. |
c2015. |
In: Histoire des sciences et des savoirs. |
Transnational history of science [Risorsa elettronica] : special issue / editors: Simone Turchetti, Nèstor Herran and Soraya Boudia |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 45 (2012), p. 319-478 |