Miller, David, 1942- |
Between hostile camps : sir Humphry Davy's presidency of the Royal society of London, 1820-1827 / David Philip Miller |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 16 (1983), p. 1-47 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Critical rationalism / David Miller |
In: Karl Popper philosopher of science. p. 3-17 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
David Roger Oldroyd (1936-2014) / David Philip Miller |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 65, no. 174 (2015), p. 305-309 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
David Roger Oldroyd (20 January 1936-7 November 2014) : an appreciation / David Miller, Rob Iliffe, and Trevor Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 72 (2015), p. 1 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Discovering water : James Watt, Henry Cavendish and the nineteenth-century water controversy / David Philip Miller |
Aldershot : Ashgate, c2004. |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Distributing discovery between Watt and Cavendish : a reassessment of the nineteenth century water controversy / David Philip Miller |
In: Annals of science Vol. 59 (2002), p. 149-178 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
History from between : Simon Schaffer et al., eds., The brokered world / David Philip Miller |
In: Technology and culture Vol. 52 (2011), p. 610-613 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Inhale it and see? the collaboration between Thomas Beddoes and James Watt in pneumatic medicine / David Philip Miller, Trevor H. Levere |
In: Ambix Vol. 55 (2008), p. 5-28 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Intellectual property and narratives of discovery invention : the league of nation'draft convention on scientific property and its fate / David Philip Miller |
In: History of science Vol. 46 (2008), p. 299-342 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Into the valley of darkness : reflections on the Royal Society in the 18th century / David P. Miller |
In: History of science Vol. 27 (1989), p. 155-166 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Ivor Owen Grattan-Guinness (1941-2014) / David Philip Miller, Rob Iliffe, Trevor Levere |
In: Annals of science Vol. 72 (2015), p. 276-278 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
James Watt and the business of natural philosophy / David Philip MIller |
In: James Watt (1736-1819). p. 163-187 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
James Watt, chemist : understanding the origins of the steam age / David Philip Miller |
London : Pickering & Chatto, 2009. |
Miller, David, 1942- |
The life and legend of James Watt : collaboration, natural philosophy and the improvement of the steam engine / David Philip Miller |
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh press, c2019. |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Longitude networks on land and sea : the East India company and longitude measurement in the wild, 1770-1840 / David Philip Miller |
In: Navigational enterprises in Europe and its empires, 1730-1850. p. 223-247 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Men of letters and men of press copies : the cultures of James Watt's copying machine / David Philip Miller |
In: Romance of science. p. 65-79 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
A new perspective on the natural philosophy of steams and its relation to the steam engine [Risorsa elettronica] / David Philip Miller |
In: Manufacturing modernity. p. 1129-1148 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
The paradoxes of patenting at General electric : Isador Ladoff's journey from Siberian exile to the heart of corporate capitalism / by David Philip Miller |
In: Isis Vol. 102 (2011), p. 634-658 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
The political economy of discovery stories : the case of dr Irving Langmuir and General electric / David Philip Miller |
In: Annals of science Vol. 68 (2011), p. 27-60 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Principle, practice and persona in Isambard kindom Brunel's patent abolitionism / David Philip Miller |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 41 (2008), p. 43-72 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Puffing Jamie : the commercial and ideological importance of being a philosopher in the case of the reputation of James Watt (1736-1819) / David Philip Miller |
In: History of science Vol. 38 (2000), p. 1-24 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
The revival of the physical sciences in Britain, 1815-1840 / by David Philip Miller |
In: Osiris Ser. 2, vol. 2 (1986), p. 107-134 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Seeing the chemical steam through the historical fog : Watt's steam engine as chemistry / David Philip Miller |
In: Annals of science Vol. 65 (2008), p. 47-72 |
Miller, David, 1942- |
Sir Karl Popper : una biografia scientifica / David Miller ; [traduzione di Grazia Sgarra] |
Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2000. |
Miller, David, 1942- |
The story of Science: the story of a word / David Philip Miller |
In: Annals of science Vol. 74 (2017), p. 255-261 |