Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729 |
A collection of papers, which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke in the years 1715 and 1716 [Microform] : relating to the principles of natural philosophy and religion : with an appendix : to which are added, letters to Dr. Clarke concerning liberty and necessity, from a gentleman of the University of Cambridge, with the doctor's answers to them : also, remarks upon a book, entituled, A philosophical enquiry concerning human liberty / by Samuel Clarke |
London : Printed for James Knapton, 1717. |
Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729 |
A collection of papers, which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1716 relating to the principles of natural philosophy and religion : with an appendix to which are added, letters to Dr. Clarke concerning liberty and necessity from a gentleman of the University of Cambridge, with the doctor's answers to them ... editore Samuele Clarkio |
London : Printed for James Knapton, 1717. |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716 |
Correspondance Leibniz-Clarke / présentée d'aprés les manuscrits originaux des bibliothèques de Hanovre et de Londres par André Robinet |
Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1957. |
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 |
Isaaci Newtoni Optices libri tres ; accedunt ejusdem Lectiones opticae et opuscula omnia ad lucem & colores pertinentia sumpta ex Transactionibus philosophicis. |
Patavii : typis Seminarii : apud Joannem Manfré, 1749. |
Rohault, Jacques, 1618-1672 |
Jacobi Rohaulti Physica / Latini vertit recensuit et annotationibus ex illustrissimi Jsaaci Newtoni philosophia maximam partem haustis ; emplificavit et exornavit Samuel Clarke |
Londini : apud Jacobi Knapton, 1740. |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716 |
The Leibniz-Caroline-Clarke correspondence / edited and translated by Gregory Brown |
Oxford : Oxford university press, c2023. |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1646-1716 |
The Leibniz-Clarke correspondence : together with extracts from Newton's Principia and Opticks / edited with introduction and notes by H.G. Alexander |
Manchester : Manchester university press, 1970. |
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 |
Optice, sive, De reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis [Microform] : libri tres / authore Isaaco Newton ; Latine reddidit Samuel Clarke |
Londini : Impensis G. & J. Innys, 1719. |
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 |
Optice, sive, De reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis [Microform] : libri tres / authore Isaaco Newton ; Latine reddidit Samuel Clarke ; accedunt tractatus duo eiusdem authoris de speciebus & magnitudine figurarum curvilinearum, Latine scripti |
Londini : Impensis S. Smith & B. Walford, 1706. |
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 |
Optice, sive, De reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus et coloribus lucis libri tres / auctore Isaaco Newton ... ; Latine reddidit Samuel Clarke . |
Lausannae & Genevae : sumpt. Marci-Michaelis Bousquet & sociorum, 1740. |
Recueil de diverses pieces sur la philosophie, la religion naturelle, l'histoire, les mathematiques &c. / par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton & autres auteurs célèbres. |
A Amsterdam : chez François Changuion, 1740. |
Tome I. |
In: Recueil de diverses pieces sur la philosophie, la religion naturelle, l'histoire, les mathematiques &c.. [1] |