Bertolacci, Amos. |
Averroes ubique Avicennam persequitur : Albert the Great's approach to the physics of the Sifa' in the light of Averroes' criticisms / Amos Bertolacci |
In: Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's physics and cosmology. p. 397-431 |
Bertolacci, Amos. |
Dall'arabo al greco : considerazioni su una peculiarità del codice Vat. gr. 1087 / Amos Bertolacci |
In: Antiche stelle a Bisanzio. p. 57-62 |
Bertolacci, Amos. |
The doctrine of material and formal causality in the Ilahiyyat of Avicenna's Kitab al-Sifa / Amos Bertolacci |
In: Quaestio 2 (2002), p. 125-154 |
Bertolacci, Amos. |
The translator's cut : cultural experience and philosophical narration in the early Latin translations of Avicenna / Amos Bertolacci |
In: Premodern experience of the natural world in translation. p. 303-324 |