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Huygens, Christiaan, 1629-1695 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 30 agosto 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 4 settembre 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 6 settembre 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 13 settembre 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 18 settembre 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 28 novembre 1660 |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, XVII Kalendas Sextiles anni MDCLX |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, Pridie nonas Septembris anni MDCLX |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 8 idis Septembris anni MDCLX |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, idibus Septembri anni MDCLX |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
Fabri Honoré a Magalotti Lorenzo, 14 Kalendas Octobris anni MDCLX |
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Fabri, Honoré, 1607-1688, mittente |
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In: Gal. 256 doc. 140, c. 253r-v |
Schooten, Frans van, 1615-1660 |
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Swinden, Jan Henri van, 1746-1823 |
History of the invention of pendulum clocks by Christian Huygens / by J.H. van Swinden |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 6 (1822), p. [197]-213 |
Swinden, Jan Henri van, 1746-1823 |
History of the invention of pendulum clocks by Christian Huygens / by J.H. van Swinden |
In: Edinburgh philosophical journal Vol. 7 (1822), p. 35-47 |
Huygens, Christiaan, 1629-1695 |
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