Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Heroes, martyrs and saints : the perilous fate of savant relics / Marco Beretta |
In: Savant relics. p. 1-42 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
The historiography of chemistry in the eighteenth century : a preliminary survey and bibliography / by Marco Beretta |
In: Ambix Vol. 39 (1992), p. 1-10 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
A history of non-printed science : a select catalogue of the Waller collection / by Marco Beretta |
Uppsala : Uppsala university library, c1993. |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Hommage à Paolo Brenni, passionné des instruments / Marco Beretta |
In: Fabrique des instruments scientifiques, XVIIIe-XXe siècles. p. 17-23 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Humanism and chemistry : the spread of Georgius Agricola's metallurgical writings / Marco Beretta |
In: Nuncius A. 12, fasc. 1 (1997), p. 17-47 |
Icone di scienza : autobiografie e ritratti di naturalisti bolognesi della prima età moderna / a cura di Marco Beretta |
Bologna : Bononia university press, 2020. |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
The image of the chemical laboratory from the Renaissance to Lavoisier / Marco Beretta |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Imaging a career in science : the iconography of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier / Marco Beretta |
Canton (Ma) : Science history publications, 2001. |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Imaging the experiments on respiration and transpiration of Lavoisier and Séguin: two unknown drawings by madame Lavoisier / Marco Beretta |
In: Nuncius Vol. 27, no. 1 (2012), p. 163-191 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Imaging the Museum of the history of science, 1841-1991 / Marco Beretta |
In: Displaying scientific instruments. p. 151-199 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Immaginare Lucrezio : note storiche sull'iconografia lucreziana / Marco Beretta |
In: Culto di Epicuro. p. 193-225 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Italian sources in Berzelius' chemical education / Marco Beretta |
In: Galvanized network. p. 97-112 |
Journals and history of science / edited by Marco Beretta, Claudio Pogliano and Pietro Redondi |
Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1998. |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Laboratories and technology / Marco Beretta |
In: Cultural history of chemistry in the eighteenth century. p. 71-91 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Il laboratorio di Lavoisier / Marco Beretta |
In: Atti del VIII Convegno nazionale di storia e fondamenti della chimica. Convegno nazionale di storia e fondamenti della chimica (8 : 1999 : Arezzo) p. 99-113 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier / [di Marco Beretta] |
In: Grandi della scienza. vol. 1, p. 571-689 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier : de revolutie in de scheikunde / Marco Beretta |
Amsterdam : Natur & Techniek, c2003. |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier : die Revolution in der Chemie / [von Marco Beretta] |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier : la rivoluzione chimica / di Marco Beretta |
In: Grandi della scienza A. 1, n. 3 (magg. 1998), p. 4-103 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and his last printed work : the Mémoires de physique et de chimie (1805) / Marco Beretta |
In: Annals of science Vol. 58 (2001), p. 327-356 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and his last printed work : the Mémoires de physique et de chimie, 1805 / Marco Beretta |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and his new biographers / [Marco Beretta] |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and Newton / Marco Beretta |
In: Rivals, friends and critics. p. 879-889 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and the French chemical heritage at the Musée centennal of the Paris world exhibition, 1900 / Marco Beretta |
In: Behind the exhibit. p. 2-14 |
Beretta, Marco, 1962- |
Lavoisier and the history of chemistry [Risorsa elettronica] / Marco Beretta |
In: Ambix Vol. 71 (2024), p. 209-224 |