Burnett, Charles. |
The coherence of the Arabic-Latin translation program in Toledo in the twelfth century / Charles Burnett |
In: Intercultural transmission of scientific knowledge in the Middle Ages. p. 249-288 |
Constantine the African and 'Ali ibn al-'Abbas al-Magusi : the Pantegni and related texts / edited by Charles Burnett and Danielle Jacquart |
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1994. |
Adelardus Bathensis, ca. 1116-1142 |
Conversations with his nephew / Adelard of Bath ; edited and translated by Charles Burnett ; with the collaboration of Italo Ronca, Pedro Mantas España and Baudouin van den Abeele |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1998. |
A cultural history of chemistry in the Middle Ages / edited by Charles Burnett and Sébastien Moureau |
In: Cultural history of chemistry. 2 |
Hermannus Dalmata, sec. XII. |
De essentiis / Hermann of Carinthia ; a critical edition with translation and commentary by Charles Burnett |
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1982. |
De mundi celestis terrestrisque constitutione : a treatise on the universe and the soul / Pseudo-Bede ; edited and translated by Charles Burnett ; with the collaboration of members of a seminar group at the Warburg institute, London |
London : The Warburg institute, 1985. |
Burnett, Charles. |
Experimentum and ratio in the Salernitan Summa de saporibus et odoribus / Charles Burnett |
In: Expertus sum. p. 337-358 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Fibonacci's method of the Indians / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study XI] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Fibonacci's method of the Indians / Charles Burnett |
In: Leonardo Fibonacci. p. 87-97 |
From Masha'Allah to Kepler : theory and practice in Medieval and Renaissance astrology / edited by Charles Burnett and Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum |
Ceredigion : Sophia centre press, 2015. |
Burnett, Charles. |
The geometry of the Liber Ysagogarum Alchorismi / by Charles Burnett |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 97 (2013), p. 143-173 |
Glosses and commentaries on Aristotelian logical texts : the Syriac, Arabic and medieval Latin traditions / edited by Charles Burnett |
London : The Warburg institute, University of London, 1993. |
Abu Mashar, al-Balkhi Jafar ibn Muhammad, 787-886 |
The great introduction to astrology / by Abu Ma'sar |
Leiden : Brill, c2019. |
Moyon, Marc |
La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales / Marc Moyon ; préface de Charles Burnett |
Turnhout : Brepols, c2017. |
Ben Yom Tov, David, sec. XIV. |
Hebrew medical astrology : David Ben Yom Tov, Kelal Qatan : original Hebrew text, medieval Latin translation, modern English translation / [edited by] Gerrit Bos, Charles Burnett, Tzvi Langermann |
Philadelphia : American philosophical society, 2005. |
Hildegard of Bingen : the context of her thought and art / edited by Charles Burnett and Peter Dronke |
London : The Warburg institute, 1998. |
Burnett, Charles. |
Hildegard of Bingen and the science of the stars / Charles Burnett |
In: Hildegard of Bingen. p. 111-120 |
Ibn Baklarish's book of simples : medical remedies between three faiths in twelfth-century Spain / edited by Charles Burnett |
New York : Oxford university press, 2008. |
Iommi Echeverría, Virginia |
The idea of air in the works of Niccolò Tartaglia, 1500-1557 / Virginia Iommi Echeverría |
Burnett, Charles. |
Indian numerals in the Mediterranean basin in the twelfth century, with special reference to the Eastern forms / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study V] |
Burnett, Charles. |
Indian numerals in the Mediterranean basin in the twelfth century, with special reference to the Eastern forms / by Charles Burnett |
In: From China to Paris. p. 237-288 |
Burnett, Charles. |
Introducing astrology : Michael Scot's Liber introductorius and other introductions / Charles Burnett |
In: Astrologers and their clients in medieval and early modern Europe. p. 17-27 |
'Abd al-'Aziz Ibn 'Uthman, m. 967. |
The introduction to astrology / al-Qabisi (Alcabitius) ; edition of the Arabic and Latin texts and an English translation by Charles Burnett ... [et al.]. |
London : The Warburg institute, 2004. |
Islam and the Italian Renaissance / edited by Charles Burnett and Anna Contadini |
London : The Warburg institute, 1999. |
Burnett, Charles. |
John of Seville and John of Spain : a mise au point / [Charles Burnett] |
In: Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages. Burnett, Charles. [Study VI] |