Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Neue Dokumente zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Prioritätsstreites zwischen Leibniz und Newton um die Erfindung der Infinitesimalrechung / von Christoph J. Scriba |
Wiesbaden : F. Steiner Verlag, 1969. |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Ein neuer Text des Euclides Latinus, Folkerts M. / [Besprechung von] C.J. Scriba |
Wallis, John, 1616-1703 |
Opera mathematica / John Wallis ; mit einem Vorwort von Christoph J. Scriba |
Hildesheim : G. Holms, 1972. |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
The place and function of a historical introduction in the curriculum for mathematics students / by Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 2 (1975), p. 327-331 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Das Problem des Prinzen Ruprecht von der Pfalz / von Christoph J. Scriba |
Köln : Aulis verlag Deubner & Co, 1968. |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
[Recensione] / Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Physis Vol. 30, n.s., fasc. 1 (1993), p. 211-214 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
[Recensione] / C.J. Scriba |
In: Physis Vol. 29, n.s., fasc. 2 (1992), p. 616-618 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
[Recensione] / C.J. Scriba |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Vol. 40, no 125 (1990), p. 334-337 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
[Recensione] / Christoph J. Scriba |
In: British journal for the history of science Vol. 4, n. 13 (1968), p. 85-86 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
[Recensione] / C.J. Scriba |
In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences No 82-83 (1968), p. 167-170 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report of the thirteenth Colloquium on the history of mathematics / C.J. Scriba |
In: Janus 56 (1969), p. 149-151 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the Eleventh colloquium on the history of mathematics, held under the direction of prof. J.E. Hofmann at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach, Black forest, Germany, 18 to 24 september, 1966 / C.J. Scriba |
In: Janus Vol. 53 (1966), p. 237-239 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the Fifteenth colloquium on the history of mathematics at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach, Black forest, Germany, 25 to 30 October, 1970 / Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Janus Vol. 57 (1970), p. 293-298 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the fourteenth Colloquium on the history of mathematics : at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach (Black Forest), Germany, 23 to 28 November 1969 / by C.J. Scriba |
In: Janus 56 (1969), p. 244-247 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the Sixteenth colloquium on the history of mathematics at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach (Black Forest), Germany, 18 to 23 October 1971 / Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Janus Vol. 59 (1972), p. 119-123 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the Tenth colloquium on the history of mathematics held under the direction of prof. J.E. Hofmann at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach, Black forest, Germany, 31 may to 5 june 1965 / C.J. Scriba |
In: Janus Vol. 52 (1965), p. 297-302 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the thirteenth colloquium on the history of mathematics : held at the mathematical research Institute Oberwolfach (Black Forest), Germany, 21 to 26 october, 1968 / [C.J. Scriba] |
Leiden : [s.n., 1969?] |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Report on the Twelfh colloquium on the history of mathematics, held under the direction of prof. J.E. Hofmann at the Mathematical research institute Oberwolfach, Black forest, Germany, 10 to 15 september, 1967 / C.J. Scriba |
In: Janus Vol. 54 (1967), p. 146-149 |
Reich, Karin, 1941- |
Das Schriftenverzeichnis von Ewald Fettweis (1881-1967) samt einer Würdigung von Olindo Falsirol / Karin Reich, Menso Folkerts and Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 16 (1989), p. 360-372 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Studien zur Mathematik des John Wallis (1616-1703) : Winkelteilungen, Kombinationslehre und Zahlentheoretische Probleme / von Christoph J. Scriba ; im Anhang die Bücher und Handschriften von Wallis. |
Stuttgart : F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1966. |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Teubner-Archiv zur Mathematik / von C.J Scriba |
In: Sudhoffs Archiv Bd. 74 (1990), p. 239-242 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Viggo Brun in memoriam (1885-1978) / by Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 7 (1980), p. 1-6 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Wallis and Harriot / von Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Centaurus Vol. 10 (1964), p. 248-257 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Walter Baron (1904-1971) : éloge / by Christoph J. Scriba and Bernhard Sticker |
In: Isis Vol. 63 (1972), p. 384-387 |
Scriba, Christoph J., 1929-2013 |
Who is it? / Christoph J. Scriba |
In: Historia mathematica Vol. 15 (1988), p. 73-74 |