Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Publications of 1672-3 |
1999. |
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 7 |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Publications of 1674-6 |
2000. |
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 8 |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Publications of 1678-83 |
2000. |
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 9 |
Ritratto di Boyle Robert (dipinto) : fotografia |
[presumibilmente fra 1920 e 1929] |
In: Raccolta fotografica Cartoline raffiguranti medici e scienziati |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Robert Boyle : a free enquiry into the vulgarly received notion of nature / edited by Edward B. Davis, Michael Hunter |
Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1996. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Robert Boyle / by himself and his friends ; with a fragment of William Wotton's lost Life of Boyle ; edited with an introduction by Michael Hunter |
London : W. Pickering, 1994. |
Hunter, Michael Cyril William, 1949- |
Robert Boyle (1627-91) : scrupulosity and science / Michael Hunter |
Woodbridge : The Boydell press, 2000. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Robert Boyle et la doctrine cartésienne des animaux-machines / [édité par] Yvette Conry |
In: Revue d'histoire des sciences T. 33 (1980), p. 69-74 |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Robert Boyle's heads and inquiries [Risorsa elettronica] / edited by Michael Hunter |
London : Robert Boyle project, 2005. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Roberti Boyle ... Opera varia : quorum posthac exstat catalogus cum indicibus necessariis, multisque figuris aeneis. |
Genevae : apud Fratres de Tournes, 1714. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Roberti Boyle ... Opera varia : quorum posthac exstat catalogus cum indicibus necessariis, multisque figuris aeneis. |
Genevae : apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1680. |
Rossetti, Donato, 1633-1686, mittente |
Rossetti Donato a Medici Leopoldo (de'), 5 settembre 1674 |
In: Gal. 279 doc. 86, c. 153r-154r |
Rossetti, Donato, 1633-1686, mittente |
Rossetti Donato a Medici Leopoldo (de'), 5 settembre 1674 |
In: Gal. 315 doc. 268, c. 688r-693r |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
The sceptical chymist / Robert Boyle ; [introduction by M.M. Pattison Muir] |
London : J.M. Dent & sons, stampa 1949. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
The sceptical chymist and other publications of 1661 |
1999. |
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 2 |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
The sceptical chymist, or, Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes, touching the spagyrist's principles commonly call'd hypostatical [Microform] : as they are wont to be propos'd and defended by the generality of alchymists : whereunto is praemis'd part of another discourse relating the fame subject / by Robert Boyle |
London : Printed by J. Cadwell for J. Crooke, 1661. |
Olson, Richard, 1940- |
Science and religion, 1450-1900 : from Copernicus to Darwin / Richard G. Olson |
Westport : Greenwood press, 2004. |
Jacob, Margaret C., 1943- |
The scientific revolution : a brief history with documents / Margaret C. Jacob |
Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2019. |
Morcavallo, Bruno |
Scienza e pensiero teologico da Boyle a Ray / Bruno Morcavallo |
Cosenza : Edizioni Busento, c1988. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters addressed by way of letter to a friend / by the honourable Robert Boyle = Apparatus brevis ad naturalem et experimentalem aquarum mineralium historia / in epistolae ad amicum quendam forma concinnatus a Roberto Boyleo |
Londini : apud Samuel. Smith, 1685. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Der skeptische Chemiker / von Robert Boyle ; verkürzt herausgegeben und übersetzt von Eduard Farber und Moritz Farber |
Leipzig : Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1929. |
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 |
Some considerations touching the usefulness of experimental naturall philosophy [Microform] : propos'd in familiar discourses to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of it. |
Oxford : Printed by H. Hall for R. Davis, 1663. |
Southwell, Robert, 1635-1702, mittente |
Southwell Robert a Viviani Vincenzo, 18 marzo 1661 |
In: Gal. 161 doc. 162, c. 306r-307v |
Southwell, Robert, 1635-1702, mittente |
Southwell Robert a Viviani Vincenzo, 18 gennaio 1661 |
In: Gal. 254 doc. 91, c. 178r-179v |
Southwell, Robert, 1635-1702, mittente |
Southwell Robert a Viviani Vincenzo, [s.d.]. |
In: Gal. 168 doc. 83, c. 127r-v |