Segre, Michael, 1950- |
Accademia e società : conversazioni con Joseph Agassi / Michael Segre |
Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2004. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Agassi's alleged arbitrariness / Joseph Agassi |
In: Studies in history and philosophy of science Vol. 2 (1971), p. 157-165 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Alexandre Koyré : his secret charm / Joseph Agassi |
In: Hypotheses and perspectives in the history and philosophy of science. p. 1-17 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
The concept of scientific theory as illustrated by the practice of bloodletting / Joseph Agassi |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
The confusion between science and technology in the standard philosophies of science / Joseph Agassi |
In: Toward a philosophy of technology. p. 348-366 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
The continuing revolution : a history of physics from the Greeks to Einstein / by Joseph Agassi ; in collaboration with Aaron Agassi |
New York : McGraw-Hill, c1968. |
Critical rationalism : essays for Joseph Agassi / edited by I.C. Jarvie and Nathaniel Laor |
Dordrecht : Kluwer, c1995. |
Marchi, Peggy |
The death of heuristic? : review essay of J. Hintikka and U. Remes, The method of analysis / Peggy Marchi, Joseph Agassi, and John R. Wettersten |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Dialogo senza fine : una storia della scienza dai greci ad Einstein / Joseph e Aaron Agassi ; in collaborazione con D.A. Greenberg ; [traduzione di Wilma Di Palma] |
Roma : Armando, c2009. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Dialogo senza fine : una storia della scienza dai greci ad Einstein / Joseph e Aaron Agassi ; in collaborazione con D.A. Greenberg ; [traduzione di Wilma Di Palma] |
Roma : Armando, 1985. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Duhem versus Galileo / J. Agassi |
In: British journal for the philosophy of science Vol. 8 (1957), p. 237-248 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Epistemologia, metafisica e storia della scienza / Joseph Agassi ; introduzione di Massimo Baldini ; [traduzione di Adelino Cattani] |
Roma : Armando, c1978. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
La filosofia dell'uomo libero : verso una storiografia della scienza / Joseph Agassi ; [traduzione di Michele Lenoci] |
Roma : Armando, c1978. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
La filosofia e l'individuo : come un filosofo della scienza vede la vita / Joseph Agassi |
Roma : Di Renzo, 2005. |
Hypotheses and perspectives in the history and philosophy of science : homage to Alexandre Koyré, 1892-1964 / Raffaele Pisano, Joseph Agassi, Daria Drozdova editors. |
Cham : Springer, c2018. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Maimonides in context / Joseph Agassi |
In: Maimonides and the sciences. p. 9-24 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
On explaining the trial of Galileo / Joseph Agassi |
In: Organon (1964- ) N. 8 (1971), p. 137-166 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Planning for success : a reply to professor Wisdom / Joseph Agassi |
In: Technology and culture Vol. 8 (1967), p. 78-81 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Radiation theory and the quantum revolution / Joseph Agassi |
Basel : Birkhäuser, 1993. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Le radici metafisiche delle teorie scientifiche / Joseph Agazzi ; edizione italiana a cura di Emanuele Riverso |
Roma : Borla, 1983. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Rationalizing the historiography of science / di Joseph Agassi |
In: Epistemologia e storiografia. p. 87-102 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Robert Boyle's anonymous writings / by Joseph Agassi |
In: Isis Vol. 68 (1977), p. 284-287 |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Science and culture / by Joseph Agassi |
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Science and its history : a reassessment of the historiography of science / by Joseph Agassi |
New York : Springer, c2008. |
Agassi, Joseph, 1927-2023 |
Scientific schools and their success / by Joseph Agassi |