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Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Il chimico scettico / Robert Boyle ; [traduzione di Mariella Borella]
Torino : Boringhieri, 1962.
The Christian virtuoso and other publications of 1687-91
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Davis, Edward Bradford, 1953-    Hunter, Michael Cyril William, 1949-    Indice: List of abbreviations. Introductory notes. 1. The martyrdom of Theodora and of Didymus (1687) 2. A disquisition about the final causes of natural things (1688) 3.... Anno: 2000
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
The Christian virtuoso and other publications of 1687-91
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 11
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Chymista scepticus, vel Dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica circa spagyricorum principia vulgo dicta hydrostatica, prout proponi & propugnare solent a turba alchymistarum : cui pars praemittitur alterius cujusdam dissertationis ad idem argumentum spectans / ab ... Roberto Boyle ...
In: Tomus secundus]. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. [n. 7], p. [1]-148
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Chymista scepticus, vel Dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica, circa spagyricorum principia, vulgo dicta hypostatica ...
cui pars praemittitur, alterius cujusdam dissertationis ad idem argumentum spectans Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1662
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Chymista scepticus, vel Dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica, circa spagyricorum principia, vulgo dicta hypostatica ... : cui pars praemittitur, alterius cujusdam dissertationis ad idem argumentum spectans / a Roberto Boyle ... in Latinum sermonem traducta
Roterodami : ex Officinâ Arnoldi Leers, 1662.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Cogitationes de S. Scripturae stylo / ab ... Roberto Boyle ...
In: Tomus quartus]. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. [n. 8], p. [1]-87
Colours and Cold (1664-5)
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Davis, Edward Bradford, 1953-    Hunter, Michael Cyril William, 1949-    Indice: List of abbreviations. Introductory notes. 1. Experiments and considerations touching colours (1664) 2. New experiments and observations touching cold (1665). Gl... Anno: 1999
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Colours and Cold (1664-5)
In: Works of Robert Boyle. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. 4
A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects
[Microform] : wherein are contained divers experiments made both in compressed and also in factitious air, about fire, animals, &c. : together with a description of the engines wherein they were made Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1682
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects [Microform] : wherein are contained divers experiments made both in compressed and also in factitious air, about fire, animals, &c. : together with a description of the engines wherein they were made / by Robert Boyle
Oxford : R. Davis, 1682 (London : M. Flesher)
A continuation of new experiments, physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects
[Microform] : written by way of letter, to the right honorable the Lord Clifford and Dungarvan : whereunto is annext a short discourse of the atmospheres of consistent bodies Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1669
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
A continuation of new experiments, physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects [Microform] : written by way of letter, to the right honorable the Lord Clifford and Dungarvan : whereunto is annext a short discourse of the atmospheres of consistent bodies / by Robert Boyle
London : Printed by H. Hall for R. Davis, 1669.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
The correspondence of Robert Boyle / edited by Michael Hunter, Antonio Clericuzio and Lawrence M. Principe ; [principal translators David Money, Teresa Bridgeman]
London : Pickering & Chatto, 2001.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
De amore seraphico, seu de quibusdam ad Dei amorem stimulis / Roberti Boyle ... epistola ad amicum conscripta
In: Tomus quartus]. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. [n. 6], p. [1]-59
NON posseduto
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
De ipsa natura disquisitio ad amicum / authore R. B. ; ex Anglico in Latinum traducta a D.A.M.D.
Londini : apud Johannem Taylor, 1687.
NON posseduto
De specificorum remediorum cum corpuscolari philosophia concordia
cui accessit dissertatio de varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate usuque Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1686
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
De specificorum remediorum cum corpuscolari philosophia concordia : cui accessit dissertatio de varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate usuque / autore Roberto Boyleo
Londini : impensis Sam. Smith, 1686.
De specificorum remediorum cum corpusculari philosophia concordia
cui accessit dissertatio De varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate et usu Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1714
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
De specificorum remediorum cum corpusculari philosophia concordia : cui accessit dissertatio De varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate et usu / authore ... Roberto Boyle ..
In: Tomus quartus]. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. [n. 4], p. [1]-64
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
A defence of the doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air [Microform] / proposed by Mr. Boyle in his new Physico-mechanical experiments ; against the objections of Franciscus Linus ; wherein the objector's funiculur hypothesis is also examined, by the author of those experiments.
London : T. Robinson, 1662.
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Defensio doctrinae de elatere et gravitate aeris propositae ab ... Roberto Boyle in novis ipsius physico-mechanicis experimentis adversus obiectiones Francisci Lini : ubi etiam objectoris funicularis hypothesis examinatur, eaque occasione quaedam experimenta adduntur / ab autore supra-dictorum experimentorum
In: Tomus primus]. Boyle, Robert 1627-1691. [n. 2], p. [1]-80
Il dibattito sul vuoto nel XVII secolo
antologia di testi Ricciardo, Salvatore, 1977-    Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642    Sagredo, Giovanni Francesco, 1571-1620    ... Indice: Introduzione. 1. L'eredità di Galileo: i Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze 2. Da Sagredo a Torricelli: esperimenti e lettere sul vuoto... Anno: 2017
Il dibattito sul vuoto nel XVII secolo : antologia di testi / a cura di Salvatore Ricciardo
Roma : Carocci, 2017.
Webster, Charles, 1936-
The discovery of Boyle's law and the concept of the elasticity of air in the seventeenth century / C. Webster
In: Archive for history of exact sciences Vol. 2 (1966), p. 441-502
NON posseduto
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things
cui appendicis instar rarae nonnullae observationes visum vitiatum concernentes annectuntur = Disquisitio qua in finales rerum naturalium causas inquiritur an et si quibus cautelis a physico admittendae Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1688
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things : cui appendicis instar rarae nonnullae observationes visum vitiatum concernentes annectuntur = Disquisitio qua in finales rerum naturalium causas inquiritur an et si quibus cautelis a physico admittendae / by T.H.R.B., autore Roberto Boyle
Londini : apud Johannem Taylor, 1688.
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things
[Microform] : wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1688
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things [Microform] : wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? / by Robert Boyle ; to which are subjoyn'd, by way of appendix, Some uncommon observations about vitiated sight, by the author
London : Printed by H.C. for J. Taylor, 1688.
Maddison, Robert E.W., 1901-1993
The earliest published writing of Robert Boyle / by R.E.W. Maddison
In: Annals of science Vol. 17 (1961), p. 165-173
Hall, Marie Boas, 1919-2009
An early version of Boyle's Sceptical chymist / by Marie Boas.
In: Isis Vol. 45 (1954), p. 153-168
Ensayos para una historia natural de la sangre humana
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Beltrán Serra, Joaquín    Miralles Conesa, Luís.    ... Indice: Pt. 1. Estudio preliminar: 1. Boyle y la revolución científica 2. Biografía de Boyle 3. Antecedentes y entorno científico 4. Estado del conocimiento de la sangre humana... Anno: 2011
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Ensayos para una historia natural de la sangre humana / Robert Boyle ; traducción: J. Beltrán Serra ; estudio preliminar y notas: L. Miralles Conesa, J. Beltrán Serra y M. Miralles Hernández
Castelló de la Plana : Universitat Jaume I, c2011.
An essay about the origine & virtues of gems
[Microform] : wherein are propos'd and historically illustrated some conjectures about the consistence of the matter of precious stones, and the subjects wherein their chiefest virtues reside Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1672
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
An essay about the origine & virtues of gems [Microform] : wherein are propos'd and historically illustrated some conjectures about the consistence of the matter of precious stones, and the subjects wherein their chiefest virtues reside / by Robert Boyle
London : Printed by W. Godbid and to be sold by Moses Pitt, 1672.
NON posseduto
An essay of the great effects of even languid an unheeded motion
whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air and its effects Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Anno: 1685
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
An essay of the great effects of even languid an unheeded motion : whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air and its effects / by the honourable Robert Boyle
Londini : apud Richardum Davis, 1685.
Essays of the strange subtility, determinate nature, great efficacy of effluviums
[Microform] : to which is annext new experiments to make fire and flame ponderable : together with A discovery of the perviousness of glass : also an essay about the origine and virtues of gems Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691    Steensen, Niels, 1638-1686    Anno: 1673
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Essays of the strange subtility, determinate nature, great efficacy of effluviums [Microform] : to which is annext new experiments to make fire and flame ponderable : together with A discovery of the perviousness of glass : also an essay about the origine and virtues of gems / by Robert Boyle ; to which is added The prodromus to a dissertation concerning solids naturally contained within solids ; giving an account of the earth and its productions, by Nicholaus Steno, englished by H.O.
London : Printed by W.G. for M. Pitt, 1673.


